Saying that, I came across a rather well known prayer that is going to be my mantra for the upcoming months so that I don't do what I have done for the last two years and coast:
- God grant me the serenity
- To accept the things I cannot change;
- Courage to change the things I can;
- And wisdom to know the difference.
"Grant me the Serenity" This year I am not going to panic if this are not going the way in which I want them too. Panic is only coupled with chaos which is something that I definiately want to go without this year. I will be a cool dude(tte)
"Accept the things that I cannot change" Things will happen and have already happened this year that as much as I would like them to change, it's okay if they don't. I've learnt enough over the last two years to know that unrequited anything is okay. Even if you wish that certain people would look around and see how good they have it.
"Courage to change the things I can" This is the final year of my degree. Time to take a bite out of a very small apple that is a career. This is the year to decide what it is that I truly want to to with my life. The final destination is not important, but the route you take is crucial.
As always, what I aim to write is not necessarily close to the final product. A bit like my cooking - it's therapy for the soul.